• 16/04/2023
1024 577 Incubadora de Talento

The T-Systems-University of Granada Chair in Innnovation in Sustainable Digitalization and the Talent Incubator have developed a leading program for training in sustainable strategies and management.

The participants will be a selected group of  T-Systems employees in Germany. The participant employees are part of a group of talented young individuals whom T-Systems has offered to be in an internal training and mentoring plan to boost their professional careers.

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the relationship between business strategies and the natural environment, with a particular focus on activities connected to digitalization activities. The course will include three intensive days: April, 25th, 26th, and 28th and it will provided online. The contents explore key concepts and frameworks for thinking about sustainability, including the triple bottom line, the circular economy, the environmental performance, and the sustainable business models. Participants will also learn illustrations about the specific environmental challenges faced by the tech industry, including e-waste, energy consumption, and data centers.

Throughout the course, the participant will examine key concepts, updated corporate data about environmental impact, case studies, and real-world examples of companies that have successfully integrated environmental considerations into their business strategies. The participants will also have the opportunity to engage in discussions and exercises that will help them to apply these concepts to their own organizations.

 In addition to providing a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, this course aims to inspire and motivate participants to take action on environmental issues within their own organizations or in operations with customers. By the end of the course, the participants will have a better understanding of the role that businesses can play in creating a more sustainable future and will be equipped with some of the tools and strategies needed to drive sustainable corporate changes.