The participants of the 6th Edition of the Professional Skills Acceleration Program visited the “School of Solidarity” Foundation to launch a Social Collaboration Initiative with this NGO.
The 20 students of the Program visited this Foundation whose purpose is to recover the family sense of people living in social exclusion. During the visit, they were welcomed by the founder of the organization, Ignacio Pereda, who showed them the facilities and explained that the School of Solidarity is based on the concept of a universal family where people live in community and where anyone is accepted regardless of their creed, ideas, religion or conviction.
The Foundation welcomes people living in uprootedness, social disadvantage, mistreatment or exclusion: mothers with children in emergency situations, young immigrants, adults and adolescents at risk. The Foundation currently has 20 open houses, 180 people and more than 30 children and its funding is based on contributions from members and the Food Bank.

In this context, students participate in a high performance team development activity whose purpose is to help the Foundation in any of its basic needs. The aim of the activity is for participants to improve their service leadership skills, increase their level of commitment to the Program, achieve a deep and integrated learning of teamwork skills, be able to boost performance at both individual and group level through self-knowledge and increase their employability by facing situations completely different from their normal activity, developing their ability to adapt to the environment and to change.
The activity was very well received by the participants and will end in March with an exhibition of the results.